For the latest information on TAP, questions on loading or using your TAP card or if you are interested in purchasing a TAP card: connect with Montebello Bus Lines Customer Service staff who will be happy to assist with your request.
Call: (323) 558-1625
Email: [email protected]
Fares are payable by cash, MBL Day Pass, MBL Student Monthly Pass, EZ Transit Pass, or MBL Tokens.
Proper Identification is required for Youth and Senior, Disabled and Medicare recipients to qualify for reduced fare.
EZ Transit Passes, MBL Day Passes, and MBL Student Monthly Passes are accepted on all Montebello Bus lines buses. MTA (Metro) day passes are not accepted on Montebello Bus Lines. If you are a frequent bus rider and use more than one bus system, the EZ Transit Pass will allow you to transfer to any of the fourteen participating transit agencies in the Los Angeles County.

For more information on Payment by Pass, call (323) 558-1625.
- EZ Transit Pass
- MBL Day Pass
- MBL Student Monthly Pass
Upcoming Holiday Schedule Days:
*All Holiday Schedule Days will operate on the Saturday Schedule*
New Years
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day