Budget/Financial Statements

The City produces annual operating and capital budgets which present a spending and revenue plan for the upcoming year.  Adopted budgets for the past ten years can be found on this page.  Each budget document shows the projected sources (revenue) and uses (expenditures) required to provide services to residents and the community at-large.  More recent budget books provide a more comprehensive overview of non-financial information, such as department summaries, performance measures, strategic goals, community statistics, and other useful information.  Also found here will be the past ten years of audited financial statements.  Also known as the “Annual Comprehensive Financial Report” (ACFR), this document provides a “look back” at the prior years actuals.  The ACFR (formerly known as the “CAFR”) is an audited document and presents annual results across the entire organization.  The presentation of information in the ACFR differs from the budget because of the manner of required reporting.  Reviewing both documents provides a 360 degree view of the City’s past and projected performance.  

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Michael Solorza - Director of Finance

Phone: (323) 887-1448