If you own a business, this graphic. provided by the Ring Team is an excellent illustration of what your business should have in order to help protect it from individuals breaking in and stealing your merchandise, your cash register, or attempting to take your valuables from your safe.
Your cash register should be emptied each night and left open for anyone to see. Especially if you can view your register from the front window of your business. This will help deter thieves from smashing your window for the sole purpose of emptying your cash register.
You should have a safe in your business that is bolted to the floor. Simply having a safe in your business that isn't bolted down will not serve you well. A burglar can carry away an unsecured safe and forcibly open it later in the comfort of his own home or garage. Bolt it to the ground!
Video surveillance is relatively inexpensive these days and may lower your insurance. This is a must these days. You should have a camera set up to see people coming and going through all of your entrances and exits. I would also suggest having a camera or two that covers your cash register as well. Having cameras cover these areas will really help investigators should someone rob you during business hours or burglarize you during the nighttime hours. Make sure you have good lighting outside as well. Motion lights are a great addition to any outside area, especially near windows and doors as well as any areas your cameras may cover.
Every business should have an alarm as well. Not simply an alarm with an audible siren, but an alarm that is monitored by an alarm company so that when it is activated, the police will be called out to investigate. It's also very important that the alarm company has your correct contact information on hand so that if the police need to contact you and have you respond to your business, you can respond in a timely manner. I can't tell you how many times we get alarm activations late into the nighttime hours and we'd like to go through the business to make sure no one is inside but we can't because the owner's information on file with the alarm company is wrong. Help us help you! Keep your information up to date.
Make sure all your windows and doors are locked upon closing up for the night or weekend. Install commercial grade locks and apply security films, grilles, or bars over your windows and glass doors. Do not be a target for a "smash and grab." Not only will burglars make off with anything visible, they often cause substantial damage to your property as a result. Replacing large plate glass windows can become expensive. If there is roof access to your business, make sure you have proper locks on those access openings as well.
Remove any climbing aides around your building that would assist a thief from climbing up onto them and allowing them to access windows, skylights, and any other roof access hatches.
Burglary is a crime of opportunity. Burglars will always choose the easiest way to break into your business. Don't make it easy for them. Employ the above tips at your business to help deter them from breaking into your business.