
Fire Apparatus

The Montebello Fire Department operates fire apparatus from the makers of KME, American LaFrance, and Westates. Currently, the MFD operates Type 1 & 3 fire engines, and a tractor-driven aerial (TDA) ladder truck.

Type 1 Engine

A type one engine is commonly used for emergencies within a City population. Engines 55, 56, & 57 are Type 1 fire engines that provide paramedic services to the citizens of Montebello. Our current type 1 fire engines are manufactured by KME fire apparatus and have an in-service lifespan of about 15 years. Technical specifications for our Type 1 engines are

  • Manufacturer & Model – KME Predator Severe Service
  • Engine – Cummings 2010 Model ISL 450, Turbo Diesel with 450 horsepower
  • Gross Vehicle Weight – 42,740 lbs.
  • 1,500 gallon per minute (GPM) fire pump capacity
  • 500 gallon water tank capacity Water tank size – 500 gallons
  • 25 gallon tank of Class A firefighting foam
  • Dimensions – 29 ½ ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 10 ft. tall
  • Carries approximately 3,000 total feet of fire hose
  • Carries approximately 50 feet of ground ladders
  • Approximate Cost = $500,000 (fully outfitted)

Battalion Command Vehicle

The Battalion Chief (BC) operates from a command vehicle commonly built on an SUV or Pickup truck platform. The size of the department will determine how many battalions are within the geographical area, and the BC is responsible for a grouping of stations within a geographic location. The Montebello Fire Department operates one battalion known as “Battalion 55” and oversees the three fire stations within the City limits. Firefighters respond to all types of 911 emergency and non-emergency calls for service. On more significant incidents, multiple firefighters can respond from one or numerous fire departments that will be organized and run by a Battalion Chief who is commonly referred to as the Incident Commander or “IC.”

Type 3 Engine

A Type 3 fire engine is a type of fire engine specifically built and configured for more rural or mountainous areas. Typically these vehicles have a higher ground clearance and utilize four-wheel drive capabilities while navigating smaller, unimproved roadways usually in the dirt. Type 3 vehicles can maneuver quicker than a traditional type 1 apparatus and do so by operating a smaller fire pump and equipment specifically for emergencies and fires within the wild land areas of a community.

Brush 55 is the Type 3 utilized by the Montebello Fire Department. It responds out of fire station 55 with four firefighters. It is available for responses within Montebello as well as needs outside of our City based on regional need in the event of wildfires. Technical specifications for Brush 55 are:

  • Manufacturer = Westates Fire Equipment built on an International 4-Wheel Drive Chassis
  • Powertrain = International 8.7 Liter Diesel Engine with Allison 3500 EVS Transmission
  • Fire Pump Capacity = 500 gallons
  • Foam Tank Capacity = 20 gallons
  • Special Features = Pump & Roll Capabilities, 1-1/2″ front bumper nozzle turret
  • Dimensions = 9 ft. 6 inches high, 9 ft 8 inches wide, & 24 feet long
  • Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) = Approximately 27,000 lbs.

Truck Company

Fire departments on the West coast call them truck companies and the East coast call them ladder companies. Regardless of where they are, they perform the same functions. Truck companies can be over 50 feet long and carry a variety of tools and equipment not commonly found on type 1 or type 3 fire engines and serve a paramount role in firefighting and rescue calls for assistance. Known as a “tiller-truck” or “TDA” (tractor-driven aerial) the truck company is comprised of two pieces, a tractor, and a trailer permanently combined. Although they look like a commercial semi-truck and trailer, a truck company utilizes two drivers each with separate steering wheel to control both the front (tractor) and the rear (trailer). The two driver configuration enables the truck company to have enhanced maneuverability into areas that may be more narrow or require a smaller turning radius. The most predominant feature of a truck company is the long ladder that rests on the top of the apparatus. Ranging in size from 50 to 100 feet in length, it can reach building up to 9 stories in height for rescuing trapped persons an also provide an elevated water stream to combat larger fires. Some truck companies are not of the “tiller” or “TDA” configuration and still appear over 50 feet in length with the same capabilities.

Ruben Castillo


Operations Division