Extended Childcare Program
Afterschool childcare services available Monday - Friday, from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m., including minimum day schedule.
Offered August 15, 2022 - June 9, 2023
Registration and payments must be made at the Recreation & Community Services Department, located at 1700 W. Victoria Ave.
$25 One-time annual non-refundable registration fee.
$110 Per 2-week session, per child (after-school care only).
$20 Discount for each additional sibling in a family per 2-week session.
$30 Per Day, non-instructional care available for school in-service days.
Homework assistance and daily snacks provided!
Potrero Heights Park Child Care
8051 Arroyo Dr.
*Children must be enrolled in this school site to participate in the Extended Care Program at that location.
For more information, contact the Recreation and Community Services Department at (323) 887-4540.