Using empathy and integrity, the Parking Enforcement Division enforces State and City vehicle regulations to improve the quality of life for our community. The City promotes a safe environment for its residents, businesses, and visitors through parking regulations that maintain traffic flow and enhance public safety. In addition to patrolling the streets and parking lots of the City, parking enforcement officers also respond to complaints from residents and local businesses. On public streets, they also identify stolen, abandoned, inoperative, and unregistered vehicles.
City Parking Enforcement is conducted Monday - Thursday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Our team can be contacted via email at [email protected] or call (323) 887-1200 EXT. 1399.

Recently, the City transferred parking enforcement duties from its Police Department to the Code Enforcement Division within the Planning and Community Development Department. This move was intentionally orchestrated to free up vital public safety personnel so they can focus on crime and community safety priorities.
Residents and the public can expect more visible parking enforcement throughout Montebello. We advise all residents and community members to pay attention to posted parking signs, note days and hours for street sweeping, and please cooperate by obeying posted signs and parking cars safely so no one receives an unwanted citation.